What is Apesa

APESA (association des parents d’éléves de la section Anglophone) serves as the parent association for the British section at the Lycée-Collège International Honoré-de-Balzac. APESA members are the parents of enrolled British section students.

APESA aims to build community among the British Section parents. APESA has over 100 member families. All members have access to the eGroup, a vital tool for intramember communication that also allows Anglophone section parents to remain up-to-date about school events. Members also have access to documentation enriched by members including Bac results, post-Bac studies (who went where to do what), past exam papers, information relating to the BFI, higher education fairs, a list of recommended tutors and so on.

Our Goals

  • Engage and coordinate our Parent community to support the needs of the Cité Scolaire de Honoré-de-Balzac, in particular the teachers who manage our British Section.
  • Address the needs specific to the situation of students in the section in an affordable way such as passing on text books, group revision sessions, cultural trips and providing practical information about university life abroad.  
  • Build community among Anglophone section parents whose children are in different years through social events, meetings and other opportunities.
  • Collaborate with other parent associations to enrich the school experience of all students.
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